Friday, July 11, 2014

We live just once, and once shall i die

The bitter aftertaste of your kiss, that lingers on my lips

Days after you left my side

Stepping on scattered vows

I cry not, nor repent nor forgive

Lament not nor let hold you back

Pray not nor let my eyes shimmer

For I don’t live to be mauled and marauded

I stepped not the piles to look behind

We live just once but death my dear

Is just for once and once will I die.  

(Life is quite often unforgiving but still we move on, only to realize in time that what it had in store for us was for our own good.
This poem is an inspiration from a person very close to me,whose sufferings and strength both made me realize that nothing is certain in life and nothing promises returns- but life is worth much more than just one thing or person. Its what we craft with our own hands thereon. )